BEING citizen BITI Spletna stran projekta. Izvajalec projekta: KUD Pozitiv Tue, 21 Jan 2020 18:45:35 +0000 Joomla! 1.5 - Open Source Content Management sl-si About The Project Between 29 June and 10 July Ljubljana will host 30 young representatives from Slovenia, Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina participating in the project Being Citizen. The main objective of this youth exchange is to link the current European Union’ campaign Year of Citizens with the topic of Active Citizenship addressed to the young population. Through discussions, music, dance, graffiti, street art and theatre workshops the teams from Mostar, Novi Sad and Ljubljana will therefore be challenged to think about their roles in the society.

Participants from different cultural, ethnic, religious and social backgrounds will discuss the function and purpose of the modern state which, at least on the declarative level, abides to the principle of democracy, promotes citizens’ integration and above all justifies itself as a means to serving their needs. Furthermore, to overcome national, cultural, ideological, generational and other differences the European Community set the integration of its many regions as one of its primary duties. This and similar assumptions explaining the basic reasons for existence of such Union are going to be critically and holistically discussed whilst the main emphasis will be put on the active participation of the young in their social environments, intercultural dialogue, human rights, environmental protection and responsible coexistence in society.

The project will particularly focus on non-formal education. Knowledge and skills acquired through workshops based of experiential learning represent a unique value for young and mostly unemployed participants as they increase their employment opportunities and active involvement in social life. Therefore, the main objective of the exchange is to introduce the young people with contemporary models of recording and valuating such non-formal education as well as learning them to learn.

The need for transparency and recognition of newly acquired knowledge requires the development and use of new tools provided by contemporary ICT technology. Apart the standard tool for recording acquired competences Youthpass the project will acknowledge a new tool Unique Learning Badges which is still in the phase of development. In this way, a practical research on recording new skills on-line will be conducted. Certainly, this will contribute to the added value of the exchange, but even more, we believe the results will also be of great interest and service to all other organizations engaged in similar youth work and non-formal education.

]]> (Administrator) About the project Mon, 01 Jul 2013 14:47:56 +0000
Booklet BEING CITIZEN {gallery}PDF/DRZAVLJAN{/gallery}

]]> (Administrator) About the project Thu, 26 Dec 2013 10:42:23 +0000
Theatre Pozitiv performance - VIDEO Presentation of the project – Final presentation of program Youth in Action:

Theatre Pozitiv performance: We want green space and future!

]]> (Administrator) About the project Thu, 26 Dec 2013 10:10:38 +0000

]]> (Administrator) About the project Fri, 08 Nov 2013 14:16:44 +0000
Media Public presentations in media:

]]> (Administrator) About the project Mon, 16 Sep 2013 15:20:36 +0000
Participating Groups Skupine iz Bosne in Hercegovine:
Mostar Rock School in United world College

Petkov večer je bil za razliko od prejšnjih namenjen predvsem samostojni predstavitvi posameznih skupin. Prvi so se nam predstavili mladi iz Bosne in Hercegovine. Združuje jih Muzički centar Pavarotti, ki je prva glasbena, »svetla« točka v povojni  BiH ter se ukvarja predvsem z glasbeno rehabilitacijo travmatiziranih otrok.

Z šalo o razlikah med Bosanci in Hercegovci se je začela predstavitev Mostar Rock School, ki deluje pod vodstvom Orhana Masla, bivšega bobnarja Dubioze Kolektiv. Zaradi želje po takšni obliki neformalnega izobraževanja in ogromni količini osebnih izkušenj, je bila šola ustanovljena lanskega oktobra, dandanes pa združuje kar 80 glasbenikov različnih starosti, narodnosti in poklica.

Drugi del skupine je sestavljal United world College iz Mostarja, ki predstavlja edini tak kolidž na območju Balkana. Skupaj s 13 drugimi državami, spada v Ib program, ki temelji na kreativnosti, aktivnosti in prostovoljstvu. Njihov cilj je postati aktiven državljan, ter se povezati z aktualnimi, svetovnimi problemi.

Večer se je zaključil z druženjem.


]]> (Administrator) About the project Sun, 07 Jul 2013 09:28:31 +0000
The Manifest

"Is there any place left for us at all? Who is it taking it away? Should we trust one another? Do we even have a future?"

Boarding school Dijaški Dom Ivana Cankarja, often referred to as DIC, is located in Ljubljana’ biggest school district Poljane. This is also a place where thousands of pupils are cramped amongst rapidly growing number of ramps, parking lots and outlined urban spaces. Green yards separated with fences for pupils to keep distance are a sharp yet very clear message of extremely rigorous schools system which again and again operates against the benefits of the youth. A country in which we are born is ransacked and there is only a little hope left for us …

One thing is certain – the future belongs to us and we want it back! We’ve had enough and we demand a change to take place here and now! We call for “No Man’s Land” to become a “Planet Land” – a free and unlimited place for all species, planets and even a whole wide universe to enjoy in.

The thread of graffiti and street art workshops is to set fictive virtual gardens, lawns and pastures which will eventually lead to mental transformation and gaining of new green spaces in our reality as well. We want freedom, easy pace and a bright future. Therefore, we are spraying colorful hope and visualizing plants of salvation for those who have lost hope already. This is an offer impossible to miss, let alone to refuse!

The theatre workshop explores the topic of active citizenship through the participants’ performances. You will be invited to deliver intergenerational messages and transform them into adequate theatre scenes and situations. The final production will therefore be a result of your active working process assuming that BEING a citizen does not only mean to obey, but to demand as well.

Rock is a music genre belonging to the past, present and future generations. Therefore, rock music workshop invites you all to create a powerful music expression of resistance, love and participation. Rhythm, sounds, body movement and dancing will break down the barriers and set you free. 

Learning to learn and to be able to organize all newly acquired knowledge and skills into a transparent and recognizable system is our mission. We want to make our references matter and raise awareness of our knowledge so that one day, we’ll matter too! It is our desire to enter an equal footing with everything we are able to do, because the future belongs to us!

]]> (Administrator) About the project Mon, 01 Jul 2013 14:59:30 +0000
Workshops Photos from workshops


]]> (Administrator) About the project Wed, 03 Jul 2013 08:46:19 +0000
Arabic culture presentation {gallery}BITI_DRZAVLJAN/ARABSKA_KULTURA{/gallery}

]]> (Administrator) About the project Wed, 03 Jul 2013 08:46:54 +0000
Youth Pass and Unique Learning Badges Youth Pass and Unique Learning Badges


]]> (Administrator) About the project Wed, 03 Jul 2013 08:48:18 +0000